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Licensing help

Issues with licensing?

Here's some help to solve your licensing issue without our help:

User ID:

Make sure to enter the COMPLETE user-id expression in the upper field, not just a number. So the whole line found below the "User ID:" headline in your original license. So for example:

Firstname Lastname ID:1234

Mac: Confirm input using ENTER / RETURN

In versions up to 1.2.6 (so before 1.3.0) you need to hit the computer keyboard's enter/return key after pasting data in a field - otherwise the data won't be taken (even when it's there) and licensing fails. This has to be done in both field, prior to clicking the enter-key button below. So:

1. Paste User-ID expression in upper field
2. Hit the enter/return key on your computer keyboard
3. Paste the license key in the lower field
4. Hit the enter/return key on your computer keyboard
5. Only now click on the enter-key button

Licensing Guides

Both in the full version download package and in the login area there are licensing guides. Please exactly follow the described steps in these!

In the full-version installer download package you'll find a pdf file called LICENSING_GUIDE.pdf, in the newer versions in the "Manuals" folder, previously in the package's root area.

In the login area you'll too find step-by step guides and even a licensing video showing each step separate for each version. Please watch the provided videos in the login area!

Login area

OP-X PRO-II version 1.3.0

PLEASE FOLLOW THE PROVIDED LICENSING GUIDE AT THE TOP OF THE LOGIN AREA AND WATCH THE VIDEO! There's also a licensig guide in pdf formal called LICENSING_GUIDE.pdf in the "Manuals" folder of the full version download package.

The full version of OP-X PRO-II version 1.3.0 initially too is in demo mode and doesn't show a licensing mask by itself. You have to click a certain spot on the interface to launch the mask. Where is described in the guides.

Older versions

OP-X PRO-II version 1.0 or 1.1 (windows 32bit version):

In this one there can arise licensing issues caused by Windows User Account Protection (UAC) if the plugin resides in a system protected area. The easiest fix is giving your host administrator rights. For this right-click its shortcut, choose Properties->Compatibility and here check "Run as administrator" and confirm.

Further methods for fixing and background infos are available on this site:

Licensing issue help for older versions

Help from us

If these hints and the provided guides didn't help to solve your licensing issue then contact us by email:

Contact us


Note that we only can and will give any support if your license is a legal license bought from us. This is the case if you either received your license directly from us (info at sonicprojects do ch) or from our reseller MyCommerce / ShareIt (noreply at mycommerce dot com / noreply-yourlanguageabbreviation at shareit dot com) or if you live in Japan from Grantech in Japanese language. If the license was sent from someone else / from elsewhere then it's illegal and not valid. We have a database of ALL license data we ever issued, so it must be in here. If it's not it's fraudulent and not valid. If so contact the fraudulent seller to get your money back and report the illegal seller to the authorities.