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No sound using Asio4all - how to fix it

Here's a quick guide to fix this. We wasted quite a lot of time tring to fix this issue, so we thougt it could be helpful to share it with others having the same issue which can save you a lot of time.

If there's no sound using Asio4all this can have the following reasons:

1. Windows GS wavetable synth active because of exclusive mode checked in playback device

FIX: Open the Control panel->Hardware and Sound->Sound->doubleclick on Speakers->Advanced->uncheck exclusive mode. If you have several playback devices do this for each of them. Now reboot your system.

2. Another audio app is still running in the backround (including Windows 8 metro apps)

FIX. Launch the windows task manager (ctrl + alt + delete), switch to advanced mode and look for apps that use audio or video which still are running in the background, including metro apps like for example "Video" or "Music". Select and terminate them.

3. Flash still is running in the background

FIX: Launch the windows task manager (ctrl + alt + delete), switch to advanced mode and look for instances of flash still running in the "Background processes" list. Select and terminate them.

4. Multiple devices activated in the Asio4all control panel

FIX: In the advanced settings (click on the gear icon at the bottom right) of the Asio4all control panel deactivate all listed devices (e.g. HD Audio Microphone and HD Audio SPDIF-Output) except for the "HD-Audio Speaker" (but activate this one if not activated). Generally Asio4all only can handle one audio output at once.

5. A pending Windows update or virus scanner update is blocking audio

FIX: Perform the update by re-starting the computer. Yes, it's unbelievable that Windows can force you for an update by cutting off audio, but it's true.

6. A sample rate incompatibility (but this is very rare)

FIX: Open the advanced settings of the asio4all control panel and here check "always resample 44.1kHz <-> 48 KHz".

7. Not using the newest version of Asio4all

Make sure you downloaded and installed the newest version from In our case version 2.10 didn't put out any sound both in Windows 10 and Windows 11, but as soon as we installed the newest version 2.16 audio suddenly worked.

In most cases it's point 2., 3. or 4. In Windows 10 often 4. Regarding point 2. we found out about the metro app issue because everything had worked before and suddenly asio4all stopped working although exclusive mode was still disabled. After many successless trials of fixing it we found out that the "Video" metro app we once used to watch a video still was running in the background which was blocking the audio. We only noticed this because it was listed as running app in the task manager. Once closed asio4all worked again.

Here's the in-depth guide to fix the no-sound issue:

If Asio4all should deliver no sound when it's active then do the following to prevent the windows GS wavetable synth to be always active and blocking asio4all if not wanted: Open the Control panel->Hardware and Sound->Sound->doubleclick on Speakers->Advanced->uncheck exclusive mode. If you have several playback devices do this for each of them. Now reboot your system and check if it works now.

If there's still no sound and the playback device in the Asio4all panel's expert settings is marked red saying it could be in use by another device then check if really all other applications that use audio are closed including web browser. If you have windows 8 this also could be a metro app still running in the background like e.g. "Video". You could see this too in the task manager. To launch this one press "ctrl + alt + delete" and then choose task manager. Here you can see all running apps including metro apps. You could directly close it from here by selecting the app and choose "end task". But you also can close a metro app by going to the metro area, grab the app on the top and drag it to the bottom until it disappears. In windows 8.1 there should appear a top bar when moving the mouse into the top right corner of the app which allows you to close it like a desktop app by clicking the cross icon at the top right.

Apart from metro background audio apps it also can be a still running flash player which is blocking audio. After using the flash player it often does not terminate by itself and remains running. If so you could see this in the task manager. So again press "ctrl + alt + delete" and check for running flash player tasks in the background processes list. If you can find a one then select it and choose "end task".

If there's still no sound then open the advanced settings of the asio4all control panel and here check "always resample 44.1kHz <-> 48 KHz". This trick still should fix possible sample rate incompatibilities. But this is very rare. We never had an issue using asio4all at 44,1 kHz although windows is using 48 kHz for system sound.

Now after fixing the asio4all no sound issue you again can play and enjoy OP-X PRO-II !

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