Check out the sound and user interface of the OP-X PRO with the provided demo. It has the same sound as the full version
while having some restrictions. The demo version contains selected sounds from all banks of the full verion.
- trial period limited to 10 days
- periodical noise bursts
- requires restart after 15 minutes
- not compatible to library
- saved sounds not reusable
NOTE: OP-X PRO is a legacy product which has been discontinued in favour of its follower OP-X PRO-II.
The original sounds all are available for OP-X PRO-II in the former banks collection.
Need a free vst host? Here's a genuine one which even allows loading fxb banks.
VSTHost needs no installation and can be run directly from the exe. First install the op-x pro,
launch vsthost and browse and load the dll using "file->new plugin". Click on the small square knob icon to
show the op-x pro interface. Change presets with the blue arrows or browse them sorted by number using the small icon on
the right of the blue arrows. Use "plugin->load bank to load a fxb bank. Make sure that "Engine->run" is active.
download VSTHost
visit Hermann Seib's Homepage