Factory default bank:
Before you start checking out all the additional banks we highly recommend to play once through
the 128 presets of the factory default bank which the synth starts with after instantiation. It's
chosen patches taken from various banks, which give a good impression on what the synth can do.
Once you've done this it's time to check out the additional banks, which can be loaded with the BANK LOAD button.
Clicking on it will present you the file structure as shown on the left. You always can return to the factory
default bank by loading the PROII_DEFAULTBANK from the root area.
Quick finder:
Famous 80s sounds:
Jupiter-8 sounds:
Prophet-5 sounds:
Matrix-12 sounds:
OB-X / OB-Xa / OB-8 sounds:
Library structure:
There's a root area offering 32 banks and two sub-folders containing 34 further banks.
The root area contains the original soundset which already was included on installation in the old 32bit
version of the synth. The two sub-folders "Downloaded" and "Exrabanks" contain further banks:
This folder contains all additional banks released on the sound reloads page
after the initial release of OP-X PRO-II until the release of the 64bit and Mac version:
sound reloads site
This sub-folder contains some additional small banks. Some of them contain patches we used for songs used for testing.
So the old windows 32bit version doesn't include these sub-folders on installation.
If you didn't download the reload banks included in these as single banks already you can download them
in one package in windows 32bit format (fxb) from here:
download for version 1.1 (windows 32bit)
By placing the folders included in this package the windows 32bit version (1.1) will have the exact same
library and library structure as the 64bit and Mac versions have after installation.
Banks info:
Here's now finally the list of all included banks. Each bank entry offers infos, audio clips and videos
for the dedicated bank.
You either can scroll through the banks freely, or target a dedicated bank by clicking on its file name in the
tree structure of the left pane, which will automatically take you to the right place. You can go back to the
tree structure by clicking the back arrows or the browser's back button.
The same as in the tree structure the banks of the two sub-folders are at the top while the banks of the root area
are at the very bottom.
Downloaded sub-folder:
PROII_BORSETI_01 | Downloaded |
Borseti Collection
The Borseti collection includes the whole private patches library of sound designer Adam Borseti (308 patches in total!) including
a Rush sounds bank, a Japan bank and a derived custom bank (Selection) created by SonicProjects.
Thanks a lot Adam!
This bank in the Borseti Collection is the first bunch of the raw patches (128) from 1 to O, sorted alphabetically.
PROII_BORSETI_02 | Downloaded |
This bank in the Borseti Collection is the second bunch of the raw patches (128) from O to T, sorted alphabetically.
PROII_BORSETI_03 | Downloaded |
This bank in the Borseti Collection is the third and last bunch of the raw patches (20) from T to Z, sorted alphabetically.
This bank in the Borseti Collection offers patches from the "Tin Drum" album of the band Japan.
This bank in the Borseti Collection offers a collection of Rush patches programmed by Adam Borseti.
Further Rush patches can be found in these banks:
Borseti Selection
This bank in the Borseti Collection is a bank created by SonicProjects based on selected patches from Adam's collection.
Listen to
these awesome patches in the video demo!
Demo Clips:

Borseti Selection Medley (video)
Comparison Bank
A small set of six presets which were copied in every detail including the individual
voices' detunings from our studio Oberheim OB-X for a comparison demo video which is
linked below.
This is your opportunity to play our OB-X and its unique individual sound by
yourself at home!
Demo Clips:

Comparison Video
A:B comparison clips real OB-X vs. OP-X PRO-II:

Sweep 1 OB-X
Sweep 1 OP-X PRO-II
Sweep 2 OB-X
Sweep 2 OP-X PRO-II
Pmpad 1 OB-X
Pmpad 1 OP-X PRO-II

Pmpad 2 OB-X
Pmpad 2 OP-X PRO-II
Strings 1 OB-X
Strings 1 OP-X PRO-II
Strings 2 OB-X
Strings 2 OP-X PRO-II

Strings 3 OB-X
Strings 3 OP-X PRO-II
Syncsolo OB-X
Syncsolo OP-X PRO-II
Brass OB-X
D Train O'Jays Bank
A small bank of 12 presets which allow to re-create the synth part of two famous soul funk dance songs from
the early 80ies.
The package contains multitrack midi files to recreate the demo clips. You also can download it as cubase sessions here.
Demo Clips:

Cubase Sessions video

D Train - You're The One For Me

O'Jays - Put Our Heads Together
All sounds are coming from OP-X PRO-II except for drums and piano & rhodes.
Axel F Bank
This bank includes all needed sounds (13) to recreate the famous "Axel F" soundtrack from composer
Harold Faltermeyer which became famous as film soundtrack in Beverly Hills Cop. Watch the video to
see the sounds of the bank in action!
Demo Clips:

Patches Demo Video
Gold Selection
This bank includes another selection of patches from the Borseti Collection sometimes featuring slight
edits and changes. For more infos about the Borseti Cllection click the Borseti banks.
No audio demo for this bank
Jupiter-8 Collection
The original Jupiter-8 Factory Patches (64) re-programmed for OP-X PRO-II plus a
further bank of custom user sounds (64) derived from the factory patches, available
in two separate banks as well as combined in one single bank.
Demo Clips:

Patch reference video

Comparison video

Comparison clips (mp3)
As for original reference we relied on the excellent clips on synthmania.com and played the
same riffs in the medley to allow a direct comparison:
KVR release thread:
This bank in the Jupiter-8 Collection contains both the factory patches (64) an the user sounds (64) in one bank.
Jupiter-8 Collection
The original Jupiter-8 Factory Patches (64) re-programmed for OP-X PRO-II plus a
further bank of custom user sounds (64) derived from the factory patches, available
in two separate banks as well as combined in one single bank.
A:B comparison to a real Jupiter-8:

34 Mellow Strings
34 Mellow Strings
84 Cello
84 Cello
21 Clav
21 Clav
38 Synth Brass
38 Synth Brass

75 Horn Fifths
75 Horn Fifths
82 Flute
82 Flute
22 Harpsichord
22 Harpsichord
35 Lo Brass
35 Lo Brass

76 Horn Tritone
76 Horn Tritone
85 Violin
85 Violin
28 Harp
28 Harp
11 Neg Sync
11 Neg Sync
The original Jupiter-8 audio clips used for this comparison have been licensed from synthmania.com:
This bank in the Jupiter-8 Collection contains only the factory patches (64).
Jupiter-8 Collection
The original Jupiter-8 Factory Patches (64) re-programmed for OP-X PRO-II plus a
further bank of custom user sounds (64) derived from the factory patches, available
in two separate banks as well as combined in one single bank.
This bank in the Jupiter-8 Collection contains only the user patches (64).
Demo Clips:

Patches demo

Jupiter Jump

Super Clavinet

Echo Flute Impro

Harmonica Piano

Neg Sync Unison
As for original reference we relied on the excellent clips on synthmania.com and played the
same riffs in the medley to allow a direct comparison:
Mastertone Bank
A collection of 64 wonderful patches which have been modelled after synths like OB-Xa, OB-8, Matrix-12, Jupiter-6,
Jupiter-8, Minimoog and Crumar Bit99 with the weight laid on warmth and smoothness. You're gonna love these sounds - promised!
Demo Clips:

Video: Patches Demo
Some single patch clips:

JP-6 Hipass Arp

Jupiter Third Arp

Minimal Perc Seq

JP-8 80ies Sweeps

Xpander 5th Chords

Unison Brass Bass

OB-8 Fifth Sweeps

OB Pulse Synclead

Gentle Upsweeps

Punch Xa Brass

Prophet-5 Brass Pad

Tamed OB Brass

Ampmod Pad

BIT99 Funk EP

BIT99 Sweep Pad

Dark LFO Brass

HP Sync Lead

Mays JX Lead

Minimoog Cool 5th

Minimoog Cool Lead

Smooth Ana Brass

Smooth Fruity Brass

Chord Lead

Digital Machine
PROII_MATRIX6 | Downloaded |
Matrix 6 Bank
The 15 sounds in this bank have been copied by listening from the great Matrix 6 demo
video from Katsunori Ujiie (grantech.co.jp).
Original video and clone video:

Matrix 6 video

OP-X PRO-II video
Matrix Revelation
This bank offers 111 unique sounds inspired by the Oberheim Matrix 12.
There are full warm pads, brasses, organ, clavs, and there's a section offering some of the
craziest experimental effect sounds ever released for this synth!
Demo Clips:

Patches Medley (video)
Some single patch clips:

Pulsemod Presets

Pulsemod SH

Bulbous PM II

Pulse Chords II

Closed Pad

Bulbous Strings

Leslie Organ

Lush Strings

Broken Musicbox

Come And Go

ET Harpsichord

Outerspace Growl

Ujiie Brass

Punch Brass

Punch Chord

Watcher Chord

Inmdustrial Perc MD

Space Bongos

Pulsemod Pad

Pulsepad Modrel

Soft Attack Chords

Sweep Strings

Dark Bell Piano

Ultra Hires Chords
Neil Palmer Presets
Three presets from Xavier Naidoo keyboard player and producer Neil Palmer, including
a very nice Mod Clav and two new variants on the OB St Genevieve preset derived from dedicated
presets in his Oberheim Xpander. Thank you Neil!
Demo Clips:

Palmer Mod Clav (audio demo by Neil Palmer)

XP St Genevieve
OB-Xa Factories
The original OB-Xa factories double bank from Adam Borseti, originally released for OP-X PRO,
now consolidated to one single bank for OP-X PRO-II for easier use!
Demo Clip:

OB-Xa Factories Medley
OB-X Factories
The original OB-X factory presets (32) re-programmed after the original patch sheets by Adam Borseti.
The patches offer a lot of dirt and organic character. Thanks a lot Adam!
Demo Clip:

OB-X Factories Medley
PROII_PLATINUM | Downloaded |
Platinum Bank
The magic and the power of the expensive classics! A bank of 82 stunning presets
modeled after highly sought after early voltage controlled syths including OB-X, OB-Xa,
OB-8, Jupiter-8, Jupiter-6, Prophet-5, Matrix-12 and Synthex. This bank is a must have!
Demo Clips:

Patches Medley (video)
Some single patch clips:

FM Midnight Bell

MM DL Arpeggio FMS

Synthex Speed Arpeggio

Prophet Full Brass

Matrix-12 Reso Pad II

Prophet-5 LFO Pad


OB-Xa Sweep Chords

Prophet Upsweeps

OB-X Lush D-Sweeps

OB-X PWM Sweep

OB-Xa Slow Upsweeps

Matrix Strange Tones

OB-Xa Porta Chords

OB-8 Superwarm Strings

JP-8 Power Chords
PROII_RELOAD001 | Downloaded |
Reload 001
The first small reload. More will follow. Some pads, sample&hold patches, and three
really nice wurly patches. Play Supertramp with OP-X PRO-II!
Demo Clips:

Tramp Wurly DS

OB Fifth Reverb Pad
PROII_RELOAD002 | Downloaded |
Reload 002 Bank
This 45 patches bank includes improved, edited and new patches inspired by XPander, OB-X,
Jupiter-8 and BIT99. It includes some of our all-time favourite sounds for OP-X PRO-II, so
we're sure you'll love the sounds too! This bank is a must-have!

Demo video
Rich Source Bank
This bank is the result of cleaning our entire work library looking for valuable patches worth to be shared. It
offers no less than 100 patches in total, the biggest part of them all new or improved famous patches featuring Van
Halen, Rush, Nena, BJH, Pink Floyd, Styx and others, and in the last third of the bank a bunch of famous synth
Demo Clips:

Prince 1999

Van Halen Love

Van Halen Feels Organ

Nena Leutchtturm

Pink Floyd Shine

BJH Live in Berlin 1980

BJH Borderline

BJH I'm Like A Train

BJH Back To The Wall

Toto Africa

Rush Subdivisions

Oberheim Cream Lead

Fat Polymoog Pad

MKS-80 Bass

Tom Sawyer Bass

Rush New World

Minimoog Bass

Minimoog Dirt Solo

JX-8P Presets

DW-8000 Spread Lead
Rob Mitchell Bank
A bank of 41 presets provided by customer Rob Mitchell, programmed from gound up using
the init patch as base. Contains some really surprising sounds. Thank you Rob!

RM-Crazed Scream (caution to ears!)
Chiptunes Bank
A bank of 30 presets provided by customer Rob Mitchell which imitate
some computer game sounds from the old SID chip. Thank you Rob!

Demo by Rob Mitchell
Rob Mitchell Trance Presets
A set of five presets from Rob Mitchell which are suitable for trance style tracks. Cutting leads
and ultra deep basses. Also inluded is a Jan Hammer style solo sound. Thank you Rob!
Demo Clip:
Extrabanks sub-folder:
PROII_Cubase6Instances | Extrabanks |
These patches were used for a test session.
PROII_EightiesReload1 | Extrabanks |
These are some additional famous 80s patches including the Alphaville "Forever Young" pad, a trial for "Big In Japan" and too an eary trial for
the Take On Me lead sound.
PROII_FilterSounds | Extrabanks |
Some cool sounding filter sound patches (Seal and Kraftwerk).
Demo Clips:

Filter Sounds
PROII_Live8InstancesSong | Extrabanks |
Mac Release Trailer Bank
This bank offers the 8 original sounds used in the Mac and x64 release trailer video. There are two leads, a nice
soft string sound, a huge sounding dynamically playable bass drum sound, a synced arpeggio, snare, fretless bass and an effect sound.
Demo Clips:

Release trailer video
During the time this session contaning 8 instances of OP-X PRO-II for all sounds has become our main testing session to
check out how the synth performs in various different sequencers.
You can download the session ready to play for various mac and windows
sequencers here:
download session
PROII_PlatinumBankSong | Extrabanks |
Platinum Bank Song Patches
This bank includes the patches used in the "Platinum Bank Song" which was a test song using 21 instances of
OP-X PRO-II for all sounds including drums to test CPU performance.
It mainly features patches from the "Platinum" bank (PROII_PLATINUM in "Downloaded") and patches from the
"Drums" bank (PROII_DRUMS) to do the drums purely synth-based.
Check out the lead sound! It's probably the most powerful and cutting lead patch in the entire library, which
breaks through walls!
Demo Clip:

Platinum Bank Song (video)

Drums alone
PROII_Pulp | Extrabanks |
These are some patches related to the band Pulp
PROII_SH01 | Extrabanks |
SH-01 Bank
This is a mini bank offering some typical SH-01 sounds. Simple but enormously fat thanks to
sub-bass. Since this sounds great arpeggiating is included in some of them!
Demo Clip:

SH-01 sequenced
PROII_StudioOneTraveller | Extrabanks |
These are some patches we used in a test session to test the Presonus Studio One sequencer featuring the song "Days Are Numbers" from Alan Parsons.
Root area:
Arpeggios Bank
Arpeggio presets collection
Demo Clips:

Video: Arpeggio Jam with preset 2

Supersoft Pulsearp
Jupiter Arpeggio
Reverse Pulsearp
Modular Arpeggio
Moving Multimode
Some recommended arpeggio patches in other banks:

MM DL Arpeggio FMS

Synthex Speed Arpeggio

Jupiter 6 Hipass Arpeggio

Jupiter Third Arp

Minimal Perc Seq
PROII_BASS | Rootbanks |
Bass Bank
Bass presets collection
Demo Clips:

Fretless Bass
Holiday Bass
Floyd Signs Bass
Electro Bass
Taurus Bass
Minimoog Bass
PROII_BIT99 | Rootbanks |
Bit 99 Bank
Crumar Bit 99 presets collection
The Crumar BIT99 was an analog synth from the Italian company Crumar which came out in 1985. It used pitch-stable DCOs instead of VCOs
and did completely withiout any knobs. Both was the new trend in 1985. A synth of the same manner (DCOs, no knobs) was the Oberheim
Matrix-6. The Crumar BIT99 also was available in a rack version called BIT 01.
Since the BIT99 had velocity sensitivity it was very dynamically playable and thanks to the ability for filter self oscillation also could do
some great filter-effect sounds. The best feature however was the "Double" function which made one key trigger two voices which could produce
extremely fat sounds. This feature in fact inspired the "Double" preset in OP-X PRO-II's midi processor presets which does exactly this.
The presets in this bank actually were cloned from the presets of our studio BIT-99 machine. They mostly use the zero position of the beats
control trimpot in the CONTROL section to emulate DCO behaviour.
Demo Clips:

Bit99 Velo Sawperc
Bit99 Pulse Cembalo
Bit99 Release Upsweep
Bit99 Delayed LFO
Bit99 Heaven Pulse

Bit99 LFO Brass
Bit99 Octave Stacco
Bit99 Wheel Organo
Bit99 Pulse Perc SH
Bit99 Damped Cembalo
PROII_BRASS | Rootbanks |
Brass Bank
Brass presets collection
Demo Clips:

OB-8 Brass Ensemble
OB Monobrass
Prophet Brass Stab
Prophet Hi Brass
Prophet Soft Brass
Prophet Mellow Brass
Jupiter Mono Brass
OB-8 Full Brass
OB-Xa Brass Ensemble
Chroma Brass
Matrix Brass Strings
Some recommended sweeps from other banks:

Prophet Full Brass

Double Brass

Prophet-5 Brass Pad

Tamed Oberheim Brass
PROII_CKBUNDLE | Rootbanks |
Classic Keys Bundle Bank
This is the original soundset of OP-X in our VM Bundle for the SM Pro Audio V-Machine hardware VST Player.
This version of OP-X including the same soundset also was included in the Classic Keys Bundle (CKB) DVD
for the V-Machine sold by SM Pro audio which sometimes also was bundled with the V-Machine.
When the V-Machine came out (end of 2008) OP-X PRO-II didn't exist yet, only its less capable precedessors
OP-X PRO and OP-X, from which OP-X, the less cpu demanding of the two, was adapted in a special version for the
V-Machine and finally found its way into the VM Bundle and into the Classic Keys Bundle.
In fact the development of the OP-X for the V-Machine was an important preliminary work regarding CPU optimization
and too use of effects for the later coming OP-X PRO-II. Which also means that OP-X PRO-II can do all (and much
more) that OP-X in the VM Bundle / CK Bundle could, and so can do all these patches with identical sound.
So if you somewhen should have strumbled over the VM Bundle video in youtube (which became the mostly wached
V-Machine video in youtube) and liked the sounds but did not know how to re-create them without getting a
V-Machine, here you go. The CK Bundle bank features the exact same sounds.
Demo Clips:

VM Bundle V-Machine video
PROII_CLAVINET | Rootbanks |
Clavinet Bank
Clavinet presets collection
Demo Clips:

Warm Clavinet
Amped Clavinet
Electro Reso Clavinet
Prophet Clavinet
Pulse Mod Clavinet
Default Bank
This is the factory default soundset which the synths always starts with after new instatiation. It's 128 chosen
patches taken from various banks which tries to give an impression of what the synth can do.
So when you loaded a different bank and want to return back to the default soundset without re-instantiating
the plugin simply load this bank.
The synth however doesn't load the default soundset from this bank. In versions prior to 1.2.6 it used to load
it from the DEFAULTBANK file located one level deeper, but since version 1.2.6 the default soundset actually
is compiled into the plugin to save CPU cycles on initialization.
There are countless demos for the default soundset. We just chose a few of them for this info page.
Demo Clips:

Rising Multimod Chords

Long Wave Receiver

Matrix Mod Strings

Video: Default Bank Playing

Video: Default Bank Medley (as featured in Keys.de review)

Video: Release Trailer
PROII_DRUMS | Rootbanks |
Drums Bank
Drum sounds presets collection
From bass drums over snares to woodsticks, all driven by pure subtractive synthesis. The presets in this bank
let you create great pure synth driven drums for electronic soundtracks.
Demo Clips:

Drums Presets
PROII_EFFECTS | Rootbanks |
Effects Bank
Effect presets collection
Due to features like switchable filter self oscillation, FM, ring modulation and white noise OP-X PRO-II
is capable of producing all kind of extremely weird effect sounds which will remind you of the possibilities
of XPander and Matrix-12.
Demo Clips:

Selfreso Water Effect

Baby Scream

Prophet Frequency Mod

Kraftwerk Smack

Bewitched Xylophone
For further effect sounds also check out the Matrix Revelation bank, which offers some of the craziest and weirdest experimental
effect sounds in the entire library. So this bank:
Some clips from there:

Broken Musicbox

Come And Go

Space Bongos

Outerspace Growl
PROII_EMPTY | Rootbanks |
Empty Bank
This empty bank can be used as base to create own custom banks.
To create an own custom bank first on save the soundss you want to be there as single presets using PRESET SAVE.
You can create custom sub-folders within the presets area to group presets and keep things organized.
If you created an own preset or edited one you first on may give it a new suitable display name by clicking into
the preset name field, typing in a new name and confirm with enter.
Once you save the preset the default save file name always defaults to the display name. But to e.g. save variants
of the same preset you also can edit / extend the save file name to specify variants, like e.g. "Cool Brass" to "Cool Brass v1",
"Cool Brass v2", or similar.
Editing the save file name won't change the set preset display name (so the name that appears in the preset
name field) since the display preset name is an independent parameter and isn't linked to the file name.
Once you have your presets saved and want to create a custom bank out of them for faster loading / switching then first
on simply load the PROII_EMPTY bank, and then load the saved presets into its slots one by one in each order you like
using the PRESET LOAD button.
Once you're finished (note that you don't need to load in full 128 presets, you also just can load a few and leave the
rest empty) save the bank with a new custom name of choice using BANK SAVE.
To keep your own custom banks separated from the pre-installed and downloaded banks you may create a dedicated sub-folder
for these, like e.g. "Userbanks". It's all up to you.
Demo Clips:
Since this bank is empty there are no clips, sorry ;-)
PROII_EPIANO | Rootbanks |
E-Piano Bank
E-Piano presets collection
Demo Clips:

Cool EPiano SlapDelay

Stereo DX Piano

Cool EPiano Ultrasoft

Fairytale Celesta
PROII_FAMOUS | Rootbanks |
Famous Bank
Famous 80s hits presets collection
This bank ist THE bank most people are out for. The recreations of famous 80s hits presets it offers are
said to be the best and most authentic on the market. But you are the judge!
Demo Clips:

Famous Bank

Netbook Demo

Famous Songs

On The Run

Rush Camera Eye

Van Halen Jump

Foreigner Love

Duran Prayer

Toto Africa

BJH Echoes
Note that you can find further famous 80s hits presets in various other banks which were released after
the famous bank:
| | / | |
| |
(Van Halen, Rush, Prince, ...)
| | / | |
| |
(Presets for Axel F)
| | / | |
| |
(D. Train, O'Jays)
| | / | |
| |
| | / | |
| |
| | / | |
| |
(Alphaville, A-ha, HL, DM)
| | / | |
| |
(Seal, Kraftwerk)
| | / | |
| |
Make sure to check these out too!
PROII_FMOD | Rootbanks |
Fmod Bank
Frequency modulation presets collection
Since OP-X PRO-II can do pure sine FM like XPander and Matrix-12 it can do all kinds of two-operator FM sounds.
It's even more flexible than XPander and Matrix-12 since it offers sine waves in the oscillators and so
doesn't have to sacrifice the filter for it as it was the case in XPander and Matrix-12.
Demo Clips:

Classic FM Chordbell

Organic Double Bell

Bewitched Xylophone
PROII_INNOCENT | Rootbanks |
Innocent Bank
Innocent sounding presets collection
Demo Clips:

Soft Analog Perc

Equinoxe Intro Brass
PROII_JUPITER | Rootbanks |
Jupiter Bank
Jupiter-8 presets collection
The presets in this bank are based on known Jupiter-8 sounds including factory presets, appearances in famous 80s hits
and popular Jupiter-8 demos in YouTube.
OP-X PRO-II includes several features borrowed from the Jupiter-8, including its famous arpeggiator (OP-X PRO-II can
do its typical input-order behaviour and too offers the randomized mode) and invertable filter envelope, and too can
be switched to pure mono-mode and less detunings for more clinical sound.
Demo Clips:

Jupiter Bank (video)

Jupiter Neg Pluck

Jupiter NP Jam

Jupiter Lo Strings

Jupiter Classic Harp

Jupiter Arpeggio

Jupiter Narrow Perc

Jupiter Clear Unisync

Jupiter Dark Strings

Jupiter Neg Perc

Jupiter Super Pad
While the sounds in this bank sound very Jupiter-8-ish they these weren't programmed as a reference for comparison.
If you're after this and want to check how unbelievably close OP-X PRO-II can come to Jupiter-8 then check the
Jupiter-8 factories bank in "Downloaded" which tries to replicate Jupiter-8's original factory presets. We offer
a bunch of A:B comparison clips for this bank:
Check it out!
PROII_LFOPADS | Rootbanks |
LFO-Pads Bank
LFO-Pads presets collection
Demo Clips:

Dark LFO Pad

BP Stereomod Pad

Bit99 LFO Brass
PROII_MATRIX | Rootbanks |
Matrix Bank
Matrix-12 and Xpander inspired presets collection
Since OP-X PRO-II features morphable multimode filters, FM, extended modulation options (like panning modulation, which not even the Matrix could do)
and 12 independent voices (like Matrix-12) it can do most XPander and Matrix-12 stuff with ease.
Sure, it doesn't offer the whole plentora of multiple LFOs, envelopes and modulation options.
But in the real life nobody really exploited all of these modulation options anyway. Our synth offers the musically most useful of them, which
allow to replicate most of the typical sounds one would relate to these late and final Oberheim synths.
Demo Clips:

Matrix Mod Strings

Bandpass Chords

Rising MM Chords

Matrix FMod Bumps

Sync Notch Sweeps

XPander Landing Jet
The "Matrix Mod Strings" preset was cloned from this video:
Note that the "Downloaded" folder offers another Matrix-12 bank which includes patches which were cloned from the
original synth.
So if you're after Matrix-12 sounds make sure to check out this bank too! The bank name is:
PROII_MINIMOOG | Rootbanks |
Minimoog Bank
Minimoog presets collection
OP-X PRO-II of course isn't a Minimoog emulation by no means, sure. But nevertheless it can emulate some of its typical sounds pretty well
in our opinion. But you are the judge!
How is this possible? Well, on one hand also the Minimoog just used voltage controlled oscillators and a filter to do its sounds.
The filter had its dedicated own character, sure. But the main reason for what kind of sounds the Minimoog could do was the way
these basic components were aligned and how they interacted.
The famous bass sound for example was a result of the 3-oscillators-setup, the detunings between these, and the 24db filter.
OP-X PRO-II of course doesn't have a Minimoog filter and also only two oscillators per voice. BUT since the 12 voices of the synth
in fact are independent mono-synths which can be arranged in almost any way, the famous 3-oscillators setting can be emulated,
namely by just activating 3 voices, engaging the "Oct Up Down" preset of the chord presets, and finally activate unison with
legato activated.
Regarding Minimoog sounds we especially like the sounds Manfred Mann did on "Angel Station", and too how George Duke used it,
like e.g. in "Love Reborn", which we tried to emulate.
But you are the judge!
Demo Clips:

Bank Demo

MM Classic Bass

Duke Minimoog

Circle Minimoog
PROII_OBERHEIM | Rootbanks |
Oberheim Bank
Oberheim presets collection
Some typical Oberheim-type sounds, which e.g. means: Broad, a bit "pissed-off", using stereo panning, portamento detune, etc.
Note that you'll find hundreds of other Oberheim-type sounds throughout the entire library of course! But these give sort of an
impression on what was typical about the Oberheim synths.
Demo Clips:

Pissed Off Oberheim

OB Fifth Slightbrass

OB Lush Chords

OB Supersoft Strings
PROII_OBX | Rootbanks |
OB-X Bank
OB-X presets collection
These are the 32 presets we have on our own studio OB-X machine. These are custom programmed presets, not factory presets.
Demo Clips:

Video: Bank Demo

Clip 1

Clip 2
Note that you also can find OB-X presets in other banks. For a detailed A:B comparison check the comparison bank!
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Presets copied from a real OB-X in every tiny detail
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Presets 27 - 33 / highly recommended!
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The original OB-X factory presets re-programmed by Adam Borseti
Make sure to check these out too!
PROII_ORGAN | Rootbanks |
Organ Bank
Organ presets collection
Due to switchable filter self oscillation OP-X PRO-II is capable of doing organ sounds with up to 3 partials per voice,
using the filter as a third sine oscillator, and simulate leslie using pan modulation.
That's why OP-X PRO-II can do some really amazing organ sounds!
Demo Clips:

DW8000 Organ

Dark Warm Organ

Hammond Organ

OB Church Organ

Slow Leslie Organ
PROII_PADS | Rootbanks |
Pads Bank
Pads presets collection
Note that this pads bank just offers what was available regarding pads at the time of the initial release of the synth.
There are hundreds of further pads available in all the banks that came after it!
Demo Clips:

Warm Jupiter Pad

Saulino Soundtracks

OB Amazona Pad

Flange Stereo Pad Slow

Matrix Monster Pad
Percussive Bank
Percussive presets collection
This is a somehow unfinished bank offering some percussive-style short-attack sounds to offer a category for this. There
however are hundres of other similar type sound all across the library.
Demo Clips:

Bit99 Percussive
The demo clip above in fact has been done with a preset of the Mastertone bank which is the same preset just with
some added reverb.
Downloaded / PROII_MASTERTONE / Preset 55
BIT 99 Perc Reverb
PROII_POLYMOOG | Rootbanks |
Polymoog Bank
Polymoog presets collection
Some presets that have been cloned after orignal dry recordings of factory presets of a real Polymoog.
Demo Clips:

Numan Cars Lead

Polymoog Honky Piano

Polymoog Piano

Abba Eagle Polymoog

Abba Polymoog Brass
Regarding the last demo clip, the Abba Polymoog Brass:
This is the intro Benny Andersson played at the legendary Wembley concert as intro for "Summer Night Cities".
However, as we only later on (too late!) found out: what Benny Andersson played here in fact was not a Polymoog (as falsly assumed), but a
Yamaha GX-1. Listen to it by yourself:
We think we came pretty close!
PROII_PROPHET | Rootbanks |
Prophet Bank
Prophet-5 presets collection
This bank offers presets cloned from recordings and Youtube demos of original Prophet-5 factory sounds as
well as other typical Prophet-5 sounds.
For the cloned factory sounds we mainly relied on the synthmania Prophet-5 site:
http://www.synthmania.com/Prophet-5 (Rev.3).htm
Demo Clips:

Video: Prophet Bank

Prophet Cosy Brass

Floyd Turns Prophet

Prophet Sawsync

Prophet Perc Solo

Prophet Toy Piano

Prophet Factory Clav

Prophet Factory EP

Prophet Clavichord

Prophet Hi Brass

Prophet Unisync II
Note that you'll find countless other Prophet-5 sounds in other banks that were released later on. From all of these be sure to check
the Prophet-5 presets in this bank:
Downloaded / PROII_PLATINUM / Presets 66 - 78
Some clips from these:

Prophet Full Brass (sound cloned from
this video)

Prophet Upsweeps

Prophet Sine Pad
Samplehold Bank
Some Sample & Hold type presets
The synth not only can do normal "standard" sample & hold (where noise is sampled) but also "sampled vibrato" ispired
by OB-8, which samples the sine wave of the vibrato LFO (modulation).
Note that the library offers many other sample & hold type sounds in banks that were released later.
Demo Clips:

Rush Camera Eye

OB Sample Hold

OB Sample Hold Pad

Sampled Vibrato Sync
For example, the borseti selection bank too offers some excellent sample & hold patches. So this bank:
Some clips from these:

Borseti SH Hires

SH Sampled Stairs
PROII_SH2000 | Rootbanks |
SH-2000 Bank
Roland SH-2000 presets collection
The Roland SH-2000 was a monophonic preset synthesizer featuring aftertouch. The synth was Roland's answer to ARP's Pro Soloist.
The presets in this bank in fact are the original SH-2000 presets which we cloned from our own studio SH-2000.
The patches however are set up polyhonically, since they originally were programmed for the precedessors of OP-X PRO-II
which didn't have the flexible voice management OP-X PRO-II offers now.
So if you want the presets act true authentically as in the original monophonic SH-2000 then deactivate all voice
channels (voice mutes) except for one, activate unison, and switch on legato mode (Lega ON). Then you'll have
a virtual SH-2000.
In the old days synth presets tried to replicate real instruments like tuba, violin, harmonica etc. which nowadays
seems a bit laughable. Nevertheless some of these cloned the originals astonishingly well (like e.g. the Oboe),
and especially the dark brass-type sounds like tuba are excellent innocent sounding synth lead sounds.
Also these presets can be a welcome base whenever you try to program a sound than has to sound like an Oboe, Tuba,
etc. That's why these presets in our opinion are extremely helpful and important to have in a library.
Demo Clips:

SH2000 Presets
PROII_SOLOS | Rootbanks |
Solos Bank
Solo / lead sounds collection
Note that you'll find tons of further lead sounds in various other banks which were released after this one. So this
collection by far isn't complete.
Demo Clips:

Mays Prophet Lead

Shine On Solo

OB Tuned Unisaw

OB Sync Solo

OB Sawtooth Solo

OB Rock Unison

Lucky Man Solo

Duran Prayer Lead

Saw Synced Solo

Death Harmonica
PROII_STRINGS | Rootbanks |
Strings Bank
Strings presets collection
Note that you'll find tons of further string sounds in various other banks which were released after this one. So this
collection by far isn't complete.
Demo Clips:

Matrix Mod Strings

OB Lush Superstrings

OB Simple Strings

OB Drifting Strings

OB Supersoft Strings

HP Slowmod Strings

Matrix Softstrings

Matrix Power Strings

OB Lush Strings

Prophet Warm Strings

Luftballon Strings

Matrix Monster Strings
PROII_SWEEPS | Rootbanks |
Sweeps Bank
Sweeps presets collection
Note that you'll find tons of further sweep sounds in various other banks which were released after this one. So this
collection by far isn't complete.
Demo Clips:

OB-X Slow Sweep

Matrix Sweeps

Reso Notch Softsweep

Matrix Lush Sweeps

Matrix Upsweeps

SEM Upsweep
Some recommended sweeps from other banks:

OB-X Lush D-Sweeps

Prophet Upsweeps

OB-X PWM Sweep

OB-Xa Slow Upsweeps

JP-8 80ies Sweeps

Gentle Upsweeps
PROII_SYNTHEX | Rootbanks |
Synthex Bank
Elka Synthex presets collection
The presets of this bank have been cloned from actual recordings of a real Elka Synthex including some original factory presets.
Demo Clips:

Synthex LFO Multmod

Synthex LFO Multmod

Synthex MM Sweep

Synthex Mod Strings

Synthex Dirty Cembalo

Synthex Warm Arpeggio
Synthex patches from other banks:

Synthex Speed ARP
Testpatches Bank
This is a tutorial banks which leads through some of the functions of the synth
The examples are structured in topic groups introduced by a headline. The featured topics are:
Test / Oscillators / Filters / Envelopes / LFO / Polyphony / Detuning / Portamento / Panning / Bending / Arpeggiator / Record / Chord /
Double / Velocity
If you want to make the most of this synth and get to know all its features we highly recommend to go through these presets!
Demo Clips from some individual sections:

Ultrawide Bending

LFO Delay

Hipass to Lopass Morphing

Filters Detuned

Chords Detuned

Speed Test

Filterenv to Oscillator 2

Perc Single

Perc Double Spread
Record: video

Record (Step Sequencer)

Sine FM

Panning Modulation

Chord Hold

Preset Chord Minor