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Muse Research Receptor Support

Receptor from Muse Research is a state of the art hardware VST player for professional live and studio application. In the studio it can be used as "hardware plugin" over the "uni-wire" plugin.

More infos here:

OP-X PRO-II has been reported to work on Receptor 2 by our customer Kevin Looney. This is his installation guide (with a few notes from us):

NOTE: OP-X PRO-II isn't officially supported by Muse Research yet, so installation and use is at your own risk. In any case, as an OP-X PRO-II owner, if it shouldn't work satisfyingly for you, you also later on can apply for free crossgrade for the fully supported standard OP-X PRO which is pre-installed in every featured Receptor. For this click here.

Installation Guide

Note: You can't have installed both OP-X PRO and OP-X PRO-II on the same machine, since they share their ID for patches compatibility. Receptor will ask you which one to use. All former sounds also can be loaded and used furthermore with OP-X PRO-II, but be aware that once loaded and saved again with OP-X PRO-II they can't be loaded anymore by OP-X PRO. So make a backup copy of all your important patches and banks before you install OP-X PRO-II.

Unsupported Install Method:

Simply install OP-X Pro II on any PC. Then take the installed folder (the "SonicProjects" folder) from your PC's VST folder, and copy this folder within the "Unsupported Plugins" folder on your Receptor. Be sure to remove the Uninstaller.exe file from this folder. Go to your Receptor GUI. Switch to the "Setup" tab. Press the "Install Plugins" button (make sure the 'check usupported folder' checkbox is selected).

Installer Method: (can be done from a PC or a Mac)

Unzip the OP-X download. Copy the 'installer.exe' file into your "Put Installer's Here" folder on your Receptor. Go to your Receptor GUI. Switch to the "Setup" tab. Press the "Install Plugins" button.


After installing run a "refresh plugins" cycle from the setup->tools menu, which will detect other versions if OP-X PRO. Since you can't have installed and run OP-X PRO and OP-X PRO-II at the same time on the same machine (since they share their plugin ID) Receptor will ask you which one to use. Since OP-X PRO-II offers upwards compatibility you however still can load all former OP-X PRO banks and custom patches.


You need to authorize OP-X Pro II the first time you instantiate it on a Receptor channel. This works the same way as on a PC.

Mac users: If your system refuses capitals (and only accepts lower case letters) then restart Receptor and the remote software. Then it should work again.

Notes about patches:

If you previously had installed OP-X PRO standard edition which is pre-insalled in every featured Receptor then this former soundset will be left in Receptor's file system and since OP-X PRO-II is downwards compatible to OP-X PRO you too can load all the former OP-X PRO soundbanks with OP-X PRO-II. OP-X PRO-II however has its own completely new and huge sound library which is installed automatically with the synth and can be accessed from the synth's own patch browser. If you however too want to have all the banks available in Receptor's own file system so that you too can access the banks from the Muse machine presets system or from Receptor's front panel then you additionally need to install the banks in receptorized format into Receptor's file system. A receptorized bank basically is a folder which is named after the bank name containing all the presets of a bank as single presets in fxp preset format, if possible indexed with an introductory number to keep the same preset order as in the original fxb bank. The best tool we know to do this from an fxb bank is the free cantabile lite host which can extract all presets of an fxb bank as single fxp presets fully automated if you once should need to do this on your own. This however already has been done for you:

Receptorized Banks

If you not only want to be able to access all the banks from the synth's patch browser but also from the Receptor's front panel and file system then you need to have the banks in receptorized format. Apart from the factory banks we've now added too all reload banks and have collected them on a dedicated page. You can download the banks here:
