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      $65   $55 !  limited deal!  

Logan String Melody II     

ARP Omni 2                      

Welson Symphony           
Welcome to the SonicProjects Stringer home!

Stringer 3.1 is a hybrid vintage String Machine Emulator offering both highend samples from ARP Omni 2, Logan String Melody and Welson Symphony in two independent engines as well as a component-based emulation engine.

The sampling procedure

ARP Omni sample >>

ARP Omni sample loop point

The sonic result of a sample based instrument is highly dependent on the way the samples have been converted, recorded, cut and looped. You'll never gain back what you lose e.g. using a bad clock. For the Stringer, every key of the original instruments was sampled using top notch apogee converters. The samples were recorded at full 24Bit/44.1kHz depth to capture every detail. A lot of time went in the perfect restoration and looping of the total 241 samples. The loop lenghts are up to four seconds. The sonic result is outstanding and nearly indistinguishable from the original.

The real devices     show

The real string machines that were sampled for this project are highly sought after and became rare and expensive on the used market. The Logan String Melody II was built 1978 in Italy and distributed in Germany by Hohner, in the USA by the company VOX branded as "The String Thing". It has a very middy fat and exciting sound. The ARP Omni II is the successor of the Omni I and the Solina. The Solina string sound was THE string sound of the seventies and eighties, used on every stage and record. The Welson Symphony is a very rare Italian made String machine. It was built by WEBO electronics.   more info

New in version 3.1     | 3.1 video | 3.0 video |

- Mac: native M1 and VST3 support

- 5 new authentic mono envelope types

- 2 additional bass modes in the lower engine

- Switchable quick bass in lower engine

- 3 new global ensemble effect types emulating Solina

- A switchable fully polyphonic phase-locked divide-down engine

- 30 new presets (total 128) showcasing the new features

The new divide down engine combined with the historic correct mono envelope and Solina ensemble effect allows to emulate a Solina with historic correct hehaviour

Sonicprojects Stringer VST AU               Click to enlarge

The available formats

Stringer is available as VST and VST3 Plugin for PC and as AU Plugin for Mac. Offers a pdf manual, 70 megabytes sample set and built-in effects unit.

Go to the detailed description >>

Minimum System Requirements:

Windows: Windows 10 64bit
Mac; OS-X 10.13 and higher

AU or VST3 host

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Advantages of Stringer:

- Quality of sampling and looping

- No disk streaming, low system demands

- Hybrid engine (sampling AND emulation, combinable)

- 8 envelope types and 4 ensemble effects

- Switchable fully polyphonic divide down engine

Stringer delivers class instead of mass. This means its sound has a bigness, transparency, depth and three dimensional feel other solutions often lack.

Logan String Melody II     

ARP Omni 2                      

Welson Symphony           

Louie Stephens, Rooney

Louie Stephens is using Stringer with Rooney live and in the studio with Receptor. OP-X and Stringer belong to his favourite plugins.

„Awesome VSTis! I'll be watching very closely what else sonicprojects has in store for the future."

John Hagewood, Hybernation Music, Nashville TN USA

„I've been using OP-X and Stringer heavily both live on my Receptor and in the studio. I like them both for the same reasons: they are very focused instruments that do their thing extremely well, they are extremely stable, and they have "the sound". Stringer blew me away the minute I heard it. It's THE most realistic emulation of the vintage solina/omni/etc string machine sound out there. Highly recommended! "

Stefan Oloffson, State Cows

„Stringer sounds stellar! The hard work definitely paid off. It's extremely rare to hear samples that sound so alive and with such dimensional depth! The Stringer sounds are in a class by themselves, way above other existing solutions."

Patrick James Slattery


„I've been using the Stringer for a few weeks now and all I have to ask is where the heck has the Logan String Melody II been hiding all these years!!?? The samples of all of the instruments have a wonderfully accurate analog sound across the board. I've been using it in a few distant ethereal documentary beds lately and I have to say it has the sounds I've been searching for!"

Georges Poropat, Producer, France

OP-X and Stringer user

„String machines are not built any more. With the SonicProjects Stringer there's a worthy subsistute out now. I prefer the SonicProjects Stringer to other string machine plugins because of its accurate emulation and its sound diversity. "

Vassilios K., OP-X and Stringer user

„Thank you SonicProjects for those great emulations! Your plugins really stick out of the usual plugin mass."

cooljazz58 (kvr)

„It sounds great. Nice job!"

P. R., Stringer user

„It works and sounds great! We look forward to other innovative products from you."

Kevin Looney, Composer/Programmer, Sunnyvale CA

Uses the Stringer in Muse Receptor

„The sounds are much better than any string-synth sample sets from other romplers that I have heard, including Ultra Focus and Atmosphere. It runs on Receptor just fine. If you are into the lush strings from old Pink Floyd, Genesis, etc you ought to check this one out!"

Muse Receptor:

Beat Mag 9/08
Beat Magazine 9/08


„Standing out is the excellent sound and the handy split/layer function. The three sampled instruments complement each other extremely well: The fat and middy sound of the Logan meets the shimmering highs of the Omni and the warm sound of the Welson."

Rating: 5 of 6 points

Chris Neville, Tributosaurus

Chris Neville is using Stringer live with OpenLabs Neko for the Tributosaurus shows

„Stringer is awesome! how much fun is this thing? A TON of fun! It adds just the right sweetening to a track, and can add a little cheese too when you need it! Congratulations to sonicprojects - you are batting a thousand! I can't wait to see what you'll come up with next!"

Paul J. LaRocca, composer/arranger

DSM Productions

„The Stringer ensemble is a true analog sounding plugin. If you are unfamiliar with the rarer instruments such as the Welson Symphony or the Logan String Melody, you will be pleasantly surprised at their warm sound and usefulness in your own projects. The Stringer is accurately and musically sampled, and the split and layer function allows for some very interesting layering. Thanks again to SonicProjects for a useful and creative product. I look forward to using this on my next project."

Jon Carin (The Who, Pink Floyd)

„Sounds terrific"

emunity (kvr)

„SHine on you crazy Diamond Demo is absolutely Awesome!!!"  

Logan String Melody II     

ARP Omni 2                      

Welson Symphony           
Audio clips info

To show the sonic power of the Stringer there are dry single sound clips as well as some using a good bit of reverb - which also in the past has been a standard treatment to make the string sounds shine.

There are also some clips showing the layering options which allows tremendous string textures that will blow you right away. Apart from reverb there were used no effects at all.

Sonicprojects' tribute to Syd Barretts death:

Floyd „Shine On" Intro

Just one instance of Stringer, engines splitted on the keyboard, the left hand plays the organ chords, the right hand the solina strings, just like rick wright did - no effects used - guitar added just for fun - second clip added op-x

shine on 

shine on 

The logan presets string and organ:
Just one engine used, a bit of reverb added



organ dry 

The omni presets solina and synth:

solina strings 


Sonicprojects Stringer VST               Click to enlarge

The welson presets brass and string:



Some layered sounds using both engines:


shine on

welson high


dry combi

logan chords



logan stereo




Stringer 3.0 audio

These clips use the new features and the internal modulation and reverb effects of Stringer 3.0. No external processing of any kind involved in these. Just pure awesomeness!

Click on the speakers

Moongirl Combi

Logan Strings Halled

Phased Pad

Pure Broad

Flanged Ensemble

Shine On Diamond

Phased Jarre

Ensemble Phased

Pure Broad Lush

Logan Phased

Genesis Strings

Mixed Pad

Pure Phased

Broad Phased

Mixed Pad Mono

Genesis Watcher

Dream Ensemble

Phased Modulation

Pure Broad Phased

Logan Strings Halled