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Logan String Melody II     

ARP Omni 2                      

Welson Symphony           
After purchasing your personal Stringer license will be emailed immediatly and can be downloaded right after purchase. Payment options include credit card, paypal, wire transfer and other options. Get your Stringer now!

Stringer Full  

Includes both the Mac and Windows version!

Get the full version now!

$65   Special deal:  $55 !   Extended!

Format: VST3, AU   info

Native M1 support (M1 and Intel universal)

Stringer Demo          Older versions / version history: click here


- An audio break every 25 seconds
- Needs to be loaded anew after 20 minutes

Windows 10, 11, VST3
89.8 mb

Mac OS 10.13 or higher, AU, VST3
134.6 mb

Ableton Live:
Activate "Audio Units v2" and "Use VST3 Plug-In system folders" in Preferences > Plug-Ins

Windows: If the installation of the needed C++ Redistributable fails because a newer version was detected simply close
the redist installer and then click on "Ok".

This tutorial takes you through all features of Stringer